ANCAAR's innovative Research Internship Program gives ANU accounting students a rare opportunity to actively engage in the research process, working with RSA researchers on their audit research projects.
Summer Research Scholars - program suspended until further notice
Applications for summer research internships will be accepted between 14 – 31 October. Applications received after 31 October will not be considered.
The program is open ONLY to accounting students at ANU. To be eligible, you must:
- have completed (or be completing in Semester 2) a university course in auditing; and
- be resident in Canberra (and available to work on campus for the duration of the internship).
Successful applicants will be notified in mid-November, and will be contracted to commence their research internships from Monday xx November 202x to Friday x February 202x (with a break 23 December-3 January).
ANCAAR research interns work as a team on a variety of research-related tasks under the supervision of identified ANCAAR members. Details are not available in advance; successful applicants will be briefed on commencement. All interns will work on-campus in RSA. There will not be any opportunity for working off-campus. Attendance at the 2-day ANCAAR Annual Research Forum is an obligatory part of the internship program.
How to apply:
Applications must be emailed to with the subject line 'Summer Research Scholars application'.
Your application must include the following as attachments to your application email:
1. Your resume.
2. Your ANU transcript (this must show results for semester 1 202x). If you previously studied auditing at a different institution, you must also include the relevant academic transcript.
3. A brief statement (100-150 words) explaining why you wish to be an an ANCAAR Summer Research Scholar and why you believe you are suited to the role.
4. A statement that you are currently resident in Canberra and will remain in residence and work on campus for the duration of the internship. If you are not resident in Canberra, you are not eligible to apply.
Program suspended since 2022.
2021-2022 Summer Research Scholars
ANCAAR hosted two interns working together on two projects: Vineet Singh (BAcc) and Dimath Udugama (BAcc & BEc).
- program suspended
2019-2020 Summer Research Scholars
ANCAAR hosted five interns working together on several database development projects: Lingyan Li (BAcc), Hi (Alex) Shuai (BAcc), Pirah Mukhtiar (MAcc), Zilong Li (MAcc) and Yijing Wang (MAcc). Read their independent report here.
2018-2019 Summer Research Scholars
ANCAAR hosted five interns working together on two data collection projects:
- Building a Research Database from PCAOB Audit Inspections Reports
- Building an Audit Firm Research Database from PCAOB Form 2 Annual Reports
The 2018-19 Summer Research Sholars were Xinyi Chen (BAcc), Yanmiao Gao (BComm), Zeyang (Jackie) Ju (MFin/MComm), Yanlan (Monica) Shi (MProfAcc), and Eryu Zhang (MAcc). Read their independent report here.
2017-2018 Summer Research Scholars
ANCAAR hosted six interns working on two data collection projects:
- Audit Committee Reports and Audit Fee Information after the Adoption of the Extended Auditor’s Reporting in the United Kingdom. Jingsong (Robert) Feng (BFin), Liliana Latorre (MAcct) and Yutian Zhang (BComm). Download their independent report here.
- Building an Audit Firm Research Database from PCAOB Form 2 Annual Reports. Jane Inyang (BAcct), Luyi Li (MAcct) and Shuting Luo (MAcct). Read their independent report here.
2016-2017 Summer Research Scholars
ANCAAR hosted seven interns working on two team projects.
The undergraduate team was Ruilin Gao, Hui (Sophia) Guo, Annisaa Larasati Kusuma, Musab Malik, and Dongyue Wang. Their project was National Audit Regulatory Agencies: A Comparative Analysis of their Independence, Transparency and Inspection Frequencies. Read their independent report here.
The postgraduate team was Tom H. Lillywhite, Dongyue Lyu and Muchamad Arif Zamani. Their project was Literature Review of the PCAOB: Auditor Oversight System and Unintended Consequences. Read their independent report here.
2015-16 Summer Research Scholars
ANCAAR hosted seven Summer Research Interns working on three ANCAAR Audit Quality Projects based on surveys of the relevant research literature.
Quality of assurance services for non-financial disclosures (Jianyang Li, Wei Li & Ziqi Gao). Read their independent report here.
Cross-country differences in audit quality (Narul Komalasari, Xuejun Jiang & Anzhi Wang). Read their independent report here.
Audit quality in European transition economies (Nijat Hajikhanov)
2014-15 Summer Research Scholars
ANCAAR hosted three undergraduate Summer Research Interns worked on the ANCAAR Audit Quality Project (Auditor Transparency Reports): Kay Rui Shong (second from left), Wen Jing Yap (right)and Junyoung Jeong (left). Read their independent report here.
2013-14 Summer Research Scholars
ANCAAR hosted four Summer Research Interns working on the ANCAAR Audit Quality Research Project: Jueming (Jimmy) Bing, Chu Xin Huang, Anqi (Linda) Li, and Xinyi (Lydia) Zhu. Read their independent report here.