The ANU Research School of Accounting (RSA) is one of the four research schools that comprise the ANU College of Business and Economics. RSA has long been at the forefront of research and education in Accounting and Commerce, and prides itself on delivering leading research and education in many aspects of accounting, including issues of importance to practitioners in industry and government; information users in organisations and markets; regulators; and parties engaged in the analysis and development of public policy. RSA is also home to The Australian National Centre for Audit and Assurance Research (ANCAAR).
Our academics and research students, as well as researchers from other Australian and international institutions, regularly present their research in the school's Seminar Series (held during teaching periods) which allows particpants to share ideas and network in a collegial enrvionment.
RSA offers undergraduate programs, up to honours level, and postgraduate programs in accounting and commerce. Our Coursework Programs provide excellent training and preparation for professional careers in industry, government and academe.
RSA has a vibrant community of research students in our Honours, Masters and Higher Research Degree (PhD/MPhil) students and welcomes program applications from exceptional students from within Australia and all parts of the globe.