
Semester 1 2024 final exam scripts for BUSN Courses can be viewed on dates and times offered by the School.

Deferred and Supplementary exams for Semester 1 2024

Information around communicating with lecturers after sitting an exam.

ANU Tax Clinic volunteer Yinxing Zhao discusses how she helped clients with their tax enquiries while developing her career.

Hand with pen filling out a form, <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/hand-with-pen-application-form_1129096.htm#query=exam%20paper&position=14&from_view=keyword&track=ais&uuid=2300425d-c6fe-4777-bad7-b069162acc29">Image by jannoon028</a> on Freepik

Exam Script Viewing - S1 2024

Semester 1 2024 final exam scripts for BUSN Courses can be viewed on dates and times offered by the School.

a hand holding a pencil over a multiple choice exam paper

Deferred and Supplementary Examinations

Deferred and Supplementary exams for Semester 1 2024


Communication during exam period

Information around communicating with lecturers after sitting an exam.

Yingxing Zhao

More than just tax guidance

ANU Tax Clinic volunteer Yinxing Zhao discusses how she helped clients with their tax enquiries while developing her career.

Research School of Accounting

The ANU Research School of Accounting (RSA) has an excellent international reputation for its research, and is one of the leading providers of education in accounting in the world. Our outstanding undergraduate and graduate programs are built on strong traditions of excellence and innovation, and provide a rich and rewarding experience for students preparing for professional and research careers

ANU landscape sunset


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