Corporations, Governance and Society Research Group (CGS)

The CGS Research Group emerged with the increasing focus on corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and regulatory issues by research staff and students at The Australian National University. Although the group developed within the College of Business & Economics at the ANU, we welcome the participation of any researchers associated with the ANU.

The purpose of CGS is to promote development and cooperation across the disciplinary areas relevant to governance of the relationships between corporations and their stakeholders through markets and regulation.

For enquiries on how to become a member of the CGS Research group, please contact the RSA Administration Office, who will forward your request to the appropriate academic member of CGS.


Honorary Associate Professor Janet Lee

Honorary Associate Professor

Professor Louise Lu

Professor & Convenor of HDR

Professor Greg Shailer

Director of ANCAAR

Dr Rebecca Tan

Senior Lecturer & Master’s Course Work Convener

Dr Sonali Walpola

Senior Lecturer

Associate Professor Tracy (Kun) Wang

Associate Professor
Master of Commerce Convenor

Associate Professor Keturah Whitford

Reader, Board member Australian Science Innovations Inc

Professor Mark Wilson

Professor & Deputy Director

Associate Professor Steven Wu

Associate Professor
Director of HDR

Research Areas of Current Members

CGS members have varying areas of research expertise which they bring to the research group. For more details, please consult the individual members' profiles in the member's tab.

  • Accountability, disclosures and auditing
  • CSR performanceenvironmental and social disclosures and accountability
  • Board issues
  • Corporate ownership
  • Corporations and political engagement
  • Financial markets and corporate governance
  • Institutions and governance
  • Managerial entrenchment
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Regulation of corporations and markets

Related RSA Courses

The RSA offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses related to the research topics covered by the Corporations, Governance and Society Research Group. Courses are generally given by members of the group.

Note that not all courses may be available in every year.

BUSN2101 Law of Business Entities

BUSN3017 Corporate Social Responsibility, Accountability and Reporting

BUSN7045 Corporate Governance

BUSN7057 Business Association Law

BUSN8145 Corporate Governance: Research Preparation